Global poverty has powerful levers. It’s a problem unlike any other.

I was born in Kenya. I have been privileged to work in rural and urban Kenya; lived and worked in rural and urban Uganda and exchanged cultural practices with the people of Zimbabwe while working with the marginalized communities in the urban and peri-urban settings of Harare. All this while, I worked with women and youth predominantly and I must say, they are the drivers of development and in that case, eradication of poverty that does not apportion a bigger chunk of the resources – human and resource capital to these two categories are fallacies. Hunger, extreme poverty and lack of alternatives are man-made problems and addressing and reversing their impact is equally the task of the same man. According to you, what is poverty? extreme poverty? While working with ActionAid International Uganda in the Eastern side – Namutumba District, I once stayed overnight with a family. They were wonderful people. They invited me into their home. We sang songs together ...