
Sometimes it’s the small things that can surprise you the most.  I never expected to be able to study the Ugandan culture up close and love it so much, but here at Namutumba District, everything is like new, fresh and unexploited. Being together with the community members is like reading a great book, we are still and yet moving and exploring in our minds.  Reading a good book, watching a great movie is like exploring other worlds, being transported from right where you sit.  I’ve had it the other way too, travelling thousands of miles, moving from one part of the world to the other, knowing pretty well that this is something I can do and aware that I am privileged to do it…amongst many!

All of this exploration and journeying in the larger District that is Namutumba, for me, is like sitting in a circle of people who represent the world.  We’ve got a big ball of gold yarn and we’re throwing it back and forth between us.  In the end, there’s a spider web between us, crisscrossing the center of the space.  You can’t see the spider web I’m part of, but if you could, you’d see it as a living web of connection.  I think it will be the power of those living webs that will hold me and this community together for years and years to come.

It is key importance to note that the People for Change Program for AAIU partner Organizations is a great way of identifying opportunities, showcasing capacity and empowerment efforts for LRP Partners, as well as involving them in the development of qualitative and quantitative outcomes.

I have really enjoyed a host of things during my short stay in Namutumba District. First and foremost is the food – the delicacies here are perfectly made and in diverse ways. Secondly, I like to listen to the communities talk – they portray so much passion in their conversation something that has made me strive to understand the local language (Lusoga). To date, I understand most of the words and can contribute in a conversation. Lastly, the communities are very respectful and accommodative this has made me feel so at home! This is something that would make me want to extend my stay with Busiki!

My role and tasks is to replicate my skills and expertise to enhance and/or build upon interventions by my host Organization and its partners to the local communities towards realizing efficacy in project implementation towards achieving desired outcomes for the LRP, Its Partners and subsequently, to the communities as the primary beneficiaries. To effectively achieve this, my entry and operational point has been to ensure that the LRP Staff, Partner and Community stakeholders are all aligned to the benefit of the community.


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