Theater for Development: A fresh shift from the never ending awareness & sensitization “trainings”!
It’s an excessively hot and dusty mid Monday
morning in Namutumba District – Busiki LRP as we prepare to head off to Ivukula
Sub County, one of two others within Namutumba District, in the Eastern side of
Uganda. Not much comes to mind during the drive as we head to Rwatama Village not
knowing that the adage “Never judge a book by its Cover” is a realization that would
soon come to full sight.
Community engagements are not tasks for the faint
hearted. The results are not immediately realized and getting the communities
to open up is an even higher huddle to overcome. As I would soon find out, this
is set to change thanks to a shift from typical trainings in the village to
congregational laughter, music, dance and subsequently learnings by the young
and old alike! Theatre for Development (TFD) is a great vehicle of engagement in
demystifying and addressing societal ills.
The groups’ present plays that depict the exact
house hold scenarios in most of Ugandan communities. The scenarios include
drunkardness, early marriages, education, boy child - girl child equality, the
woman’s position in the community and general misconceptions. This approach triggers audiences’ minds by a
clear depiction of how they live as well as the feasibly direct and indirect
effects of the type of lives they lead in their households, villages, sub
counties and District at large.
At the end of each play, the audiences are given an
opportunity to right the wrongs that were intentionally showcased
in the play. Through the key learnings of the plays, the audiences are in
position to put into practice what they saw or change their current practices
for the better. Being that the plays are for the general public; children, men,
women and the elderly have an equal opportunity to openly participate through
It is key to note that in using TFD, there are No
huge, multi-coloured and well decorated reports expensively produced in bulk
but strategically taken and “talk pictures” & video recordings which can be
used as advocacy and communication tools which will work in same way as in the
villages, at the national and global level for ACTION to all and sundry beyond
the affected, concerned and related.
The interactions clearly show that the problems the
communities face are self-inflicted with the upside to this being that the
solutions are within them and well known. TFD is a model worth of replication
and up scaling to counter the ever dynamic problems.

A play on relevance of education by
a local group in progress A 10
year old child’s response to the play’s message from a school going child’s
“Legalize abortion as it already
happens a lot under the government’s watch and the numbers keep growing and the
most affected are young girls by ending their education” – interactive by a
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