Youth, Economics, Opportunities, Growth and Development
advancement can be viewed in one way or another as increasing the capabilities
of an individual to lead a dignified life and subsequently be in a position to
do and be what he or she chooses. Based on preordained dynamics and through
interactions with each other as well as with those outside their age realms,
young people are continually developing these capabilities, meaning that
development is an intergenerational process that is regularly metamorphosing.
is a manageable social ill that is unfortunately ballooned by inequalities
occasioned by biased/poor planning by governments’ world over. Most importantly,
it’s a violation of Human Rights of all those affected. This violation is propagated by key among many
other issues lack of foundational and service infrastructure in provision of
amenities such as schools, unavailable/inaccessible platforms to access and
interact at local, national and global platforms and poor healthcare systems
therein limiting spaces for economic flexibility from an informed, supported,
harnessed and sustainable facet.
and others can and do engage in conscious action to improve their lives at
community level. At this level, poverty and insufficiencies of existing
structures limit the resources that they can pull into a particular pool. In
effect, human asset and informal institutions are the only reprieve to be leveraged
in order to establish control on poverty at community level.
is imperative that communities have vocational programs because youth need an
environment to harness their skills – skills which are not directly related to
literacy and numeracy. This is because, the Youth communities need the
developmental assets fostered by quality programs, and because poor communities
need the other public goods and social capital they can engender.
chapter first develops an understanding of capability-driven development and
the involvement of youth. It then explores the setting of the community for
economic development, with a discussion of out of school training programs,
community and education relevance as a specific examples of an institution in
poor communities with the potential to contribute to economic development. The following
sections synthesize each other.
and Youth

in this District are exposed to a large number of risks in high concentration,
meaning they have high risks of many negative outcomes due to the poverty
levels, relevance of education outcomes and government prioritization of Youth
affairs in the longer term. This has occasioned a situation whereby the Youth
are more of dependents as opposed to initiators, because they can seldom earn
their own subsistence leading to the aspect of desperation and foregoing
important investment in their human capital in exchange for material capital
that they can hardly maintain due to insufficiencies of education prowess and
technical training.
Institution and Youth
are in an ever shifting ground as people-in-process, powerless but can grow to
positions of power. Intervention for and by youth is supported by providing an
environment in which youth are free to express themselves in challenging a
culture that constrains their expression of identity. This is a prime example
of enacting action through challenging everyday practice through involving
youth directly in activism.
exists a wide range of barriers to this effect. One community of Youth could have
basic needs that need to be addressed, whilst the other community may have
entirely divergent needs – at urgent one at that.
In one of my numerous Youth activities, there were
several participants to a training….i noted 3 very vocal ones who managed to coalesce
the entire lot to their reasoning. The issues at hand – besides the core one;
capacity empowerment – were;
How will we use the information you are sharing to get food…
As Youth, we distrust each other…
How did you settle on us? – Despite the fact that they have nothing substantially
going on, they still complained about what was on offer.
Regardless of other programming possibilities, the
Youth required having these other needs met before they were able to listen, participate,
and think about the activities they were doing on a longer term.
Community and Youth
women, Youth are the second most determiners of the community based of what
they do on a daily basis…wrong or right, guided or not. Community-based
organizations and youth-based organizations play important roles in this
process and have the potential to accomplish tasks left undone by National and
Local Governments. Young people play an important role in the economy at the
community level, through their participation in not for monetary activities
such is the case in child led household occasioned by divorce, GBV, HIV/AIDS
related mortalities and so on. Because so many children‘s activities develop
capabilities, Youth are pivotal game-changers in long-term, community-level
development – economical or otherwise, direct or indirect.
Education and Youth
analysis above raises several important issues to consider when making public
decisions about the allocation of funding for youth programs in the future; determining
eligibility for funding, and about allocating that funding. Programs should be
designed and focused at children living in concentrated poverty.
In Uganda, Universal Primary
Education has been instrumental in the numbers that access schools, retention
rates and transition to secondary education mainly through the capitation
grants. Education funds may seem much but at the end of the day, an analysis to
depict the value-add of the grants in relation to good education performance
indicators in Namutumba District. There
is need to effect proper management of schools as pertains proper budgeting,
effective planning, resource mobilization all to the broad goal of achieving
good learning outcomes.
there is a need for funding priority for Schools to achieve the primary
objective of access to education – to empower at diverse levels RATHER than to
top the examination outcome rota. Due to the extremely tight competition for government
grants and priorities, is practically an essential requirement to win funding.
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