Youth Communities are in need of people that will LEAD!
Uganda, Youth - the Community - has for a longtime been synonymous with poverty, exploitation,
displacement, corruption, early pregnancies, lack of basic skills for
development and exclusion in national and local government planning,
in-effective youth adult partnerships, non-participation of youth are some of
the key bottlenecks facing Uganda’s Youth! This is indicative of the immense
pressure on Youth on multiple levels.
Busiki LRP reviewed its Youth engagements and shifted focus to monitoring
acquired skills, supporting income generating ventures and harnessing
leadership possibilities. Prior to this,
Youth qualitative growth trends across the three sub counties that ActionAid Busiki LRP
works in had been slow but steady over the years and a number of initiatives
taken in the recent years has started yielding qualitative results.
The paradigm
shift kicked off on its course in 2013, but over the past year, it has been
extended to a number of strategic approaches to guarantee exposure and
information sharing as best practice. The growth trend in the last few months
has been encouraging with Youth themselves presenting ideas to Action Aid for technical
support. One particular event was the Youth Reporting and Dialogue meeting. In this
gathering, the Youth converged together to identify key actions points that
would anchor their 2014-2015 development plans. This is a key learning and
strategic platform for Actionaid as regards Youth relevant programming.
Key to note also
is the Youth Camp where the Youth got an opportunity to understand ActionAid
programming as pertains to the Youth as well as the key issues and approaches
that the Youth feel perceive as pivotal in guiding the processes geared towards
achieving the Key Change Promise 6: "By
2017, we will have mobilized over five million Youth to take sustained action
towards building a poverty-free planet".
We don't want to close our eyes because we don't want to miss another moment |
Today, there is an accelerated and evidently sustainable upward growth in most Youth.
The Youth and ActionAid have decided to collaborate to further build on the
growth trajectory and set a visionary target - that of doubling young people’s
overall participation in Leadership opportunities and Local Government
programmes & processes in the coming years.
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