Regret is poor company!

I should do a disclaimer; if you are a procrastinator this is going to be a very stressful reading.

You will be amazed at so many people in the world today who think things that they don’t do. Meant to do it, never got it done. It’s hard to bring something from thought life to action. Not just work, not just goals, not just careers…even good things. 

You will be surprised the good things that men think about their girlfriends but they don’t tell them. The little things that women do that have men saying, “that’s why I love you, right there…that thing right there, that there…that’s why I love you”. But they don’t say a word about it. In an attempt to be present at the moment, I am challenging myself to be more verbal even about compliments. I can’t exactly explain why men don’t say anything and sometimes they say it about you but not to you. You can’t spend love that does not reach you. So even though they (men) have it for you if they don’t give it to, you can’t enjoy the benefit from it and you might starve to death for the lack of what he thought but did not say. Personally, I would hate to think that I lost her heart over something I felt but did not express. So I have been challenging myself to be more verbal. You will be surprised how hard it is for me - someone who talks for a living - to turn around and talk out of my heart about my emotions.

The older I get, the more I realize I can’t take life nor moments for granted. I’ve been to funerals and the roughest ones I've seen are those where people are screaming and holding on to the caskets, those are often the people who have deep regret and guilt because of; things they could have, would have, should have said or done but didn’t do. Personally i can deal with death better than I can deal with regret. Whatever I have to say to you, I’d rather say it. Whatever I want to give you, I’d rather give you, whatever I need to express, I want to express it because the next second is not promised. All you have is the fierce urgency of now, right now. You don’t have long to get over what you want to get over, climb over your inhibitions of fear – the clock is ticking while you are thinking about it, you are running out of time. There is a rush to go after your goals, if you don’t hurry up and do it, you will not get it done. The most dangerous people are people who missed their turn – bitter people who missed their turn will try to kill your future. They will become a sore in your life and hate you over something that you did not have anything to do with but over a turn they missed.

There is nothing as sad as bad as the sad memories of a lost opportunity….it’s a gift from God to have an opportunity. When you woke up this morning, God gave you an opportunity. What could be a better gift than to get an opportunity? And what a tragic waste it is to have an opportunity and not use it, not maximize it, not live it to the fullest, not use it and to assume that you have tomorrow. How arrogant of you to assume that you have tomorrow when in fact all you have for sure is right now. Get it right, right now. Get it said, right now. Get it done, right now. Open your heart, right now. Write the letter, right now. Express the love, right now….. Because if you don’t, I can tell you for sure – coffins can’t hear and regret is poor company seating somewhere saying “I missed my turn”. I can tell you this, age does not give you a do-over – it’s terrible to get old and miss your youth. You don’t get a second chance to do it over again, if you missed it, you missed it.

You will be surprised at the unwritten books, the businesses that never got built, the songs you did not sing, the poems you did not write, the jobs you never went after, the interviews you did not pursue and you have been saying, “God I need a sign from you, but God needs an action from you”.
Relationships have died over things that people had and didn’t give to each other, it has to be true. Truly, what can one person, give another person that the other person could not give them? Nothing. But don’t get angry when people do what you won’t. Don’t get angry when they give what you wouldn’t, don’t get bitter because one person ceases an opportunity when another does not…it is not my fault that you thought it and didn’t say it, that you felt it and didn’t express it, that you needed but your pride stopped you from opening up about it.

I have learnt that the people who talk about people have time to do it. Because the people who are living with gusto and power and facing challenges don’t have time to worry about what anyone else is doing.

Once you miss your turn, that's when you will experience the fact that regret is poor company indeed. Do not miss your turn. Make every second and everyone in your life count!


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